i've signed up for a triathlon. hmmm. . . .here's to hoping i don't drown. i've been in the pool almost every day for the last two weeks. i'm getting much better at swimming, but i'm not sure how the three events will all come together. the triathlon is on sat aug 5 in brigantine, nj.
as for other things . . . italy won the world cup, my job is continuing, and i'm ready to head back to nm. my manager at work is convinced he can make me stay longer. he lacks perspective. i'm working at a dying casino. its a shame really, but the property is on the way out. it just can't keep up with the borgata and the other properties.
law school is approaching. uh oh. i can't help but think i'm unprepared. is it possible i'm getting dumber this summer? well, it'll kick in. i just hope i can find an apartment.
paula and i continue to converse about how crappy our conversations are. we'll be back together soon.