so i've been instructed to update this blog. its been a long time.
i've just finished my first semester of law school at unm. on the whole its been pretty good. i'm using that brain of mine again which had been dormant for so long. i spend a lot of time reading and struggling to remember what i read out of fear i'll space on something during class.
the first semester went well. i had some interesting professors, and some not so interesting professors. i've learned what this law thing is all about (which, to be honest, i should have looked into before signing up for a three year deal. i feel like i haven't read the contract). i'm not so sure about being a lawyer type lawyer after all of this, but there are so many different ways i can go. i need to find something for this summer to occupy myself with. i'm sure that will lead me in a direction. finally after 25 years, i'll have some direction in my life.
aside from unmsol, what else? well, i'm back to playing soccer. and i'm feeling old. not as sharp as i used to be. i have a part time job working on mass tort litigation at a firm in abq. that's pretty draining. i'm trying to make my weekends as free as possible to spend time with paula, so my weeks are pretty busy. i don't get to workout as much, which is a bit of a drag.
speaking of paula, things are going pretty well. i love her and miss her during the week. if you're reading this bootler, smelly butt loves you. aside from that, she and i have to make some gametime decisions soon about next year. but i'm sure it will all work out. it always does.
well, thats enough for now. don't stay tuned, because the next post will likely be just before my graduation in 2009.