Sunday, April 17, 2011


Lake Hefner near sunset on a run (low water!)

After a visit to the doctor, I'm back on track.  Turns out I've got some ITB issues in my left knee. A little stretching and I should be good to go.  However, its a really hard part of your body to stretch.

I completed a 20 miler last week with relative ease, so I signed up for the Oklahoma City Memorial Marathon.  I'm running it with a good friend from ABQ.  I'm pumped!  Still, this is the "least" prepared I think I've been for a marathon.

Also, my training plan has now entered the "build" stage.  I've got an extra swim workout and a few more bricks throughout the week.  It seems manageable so far.

One more thing, I'm considering this for my next goal after IM Louisville.  Whatdya think?

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