Sunday, April 03, 2011


I had a few solid weeks of training and I was settling in to the routine nicely.  Then, I suffered a set back.  I've got pain in my left knee when I run.  I noticed that my knee felt a little different for the last few weeks, but it wasn't troubling at first.  Then on Wednesday, during my run commute in, I felt some more intense pain.  Since then, I can feel some swelling (I think) even when I'm stationary.  I feel it when I bike, too.  Not good.

The bad news: I doubt I'll be able to run the Oklahoma City Marathon with my friend from ABQ on May 1.  But who knows?

The good news: I have an appointment on Friday with an orthopedic doctor that has a very good reputation in the runner / triathlete community.  So, hopefully I'll be in good shape. 

Until then, more swimming, lifting, and (eek!) elliptical.  I need to do this right so I'll be in good shape for Louisville.

1 comment:

Paula said...

Keep your eye on the prize - Louisville or bust. If you have to skip the OKC marathon it won't be the end of the world. I'm glad you have found a doctor with a good reputation.